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Our Beliefs

Our Values

These are the values that we use to navigate our faith and life.

Just Jesus

Jesus is our foundation, pillar, focus, and purpose. We are about Him and nothing else. We want to make Jesus famous and we believe the greatest privilege of our lives is to walk in relationship with Him. Eternal life is experientially knowing Him. We long to minister to Jesus before anyone else.

His Goodness

We believe God is love. Everything beautiful and good comes from Him. Everything bad and wicked is a result of the World’s brokenness and the evil one. We believe that God is the most loving, kind, joyful, and amazing Being ever.

His Voice

We believe God is fully alive, moving, and speaking. We aim to make every move from His presence and voice. We believe Jesus cares more about revival, the lost, and humanity than we do. Thus we don’t pray for Him to move, we know He’s already moving. We long to move with Him and co-labor in a relationship WITH God.


We believe God is raising up a radical remnant of believers who will not settle for lukewarm Christianity. We are wholehearted pursuers of Jesus who know our pursuit of Him is only in response to His greater pursuit of us. We are wholehearted lovers of God and others who know our only ability to love well starts with our ability to receive His love for us. We love because He loved us first.

Unconditional Love

In response to God’s perfect unconditional love, we believe in unconditionally loving ourselves and others. We value people for who they are, not what they can do. We believe family means sticking with people at their worst. The truth of the gospel is that Jesus loved us at our worst and this type of love transforms and changes us. We want to love in the same way. We believe in spaces where people can share their deepest shame, darkest secrets, and personal struggles and be met in safety with extravagant love.

Kingdom Culture

We are not trying to create our own culture. We believe Jesus came to establish and bring His Kingdom. To the best of our ability, we are trying to create a biblical culture that is supernaturally empowered by God’s Spirit. The greatest blueprint we have for a move of God is contained within the Bible.


We aim for people to be who God created them to be. We believe God had something amazing in mind when He created you. We aim to set people free of their past, know who they are created to be, and be set free in their purpose. We purpose ourselves to disciple people to follow Jesus and walk in freedom. We celebrate unique Kingdom identity, people’s stories, their background, and skin color knowing it’s all a part of God’s beautiful story. We are a place of belonging that longs for people to be who God made them be, not who the world wants them to be.

Worship + Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer and worship to shift families, transform regions, bind the enemy, and birth movements of God. In prayer and worship, we talk with God and feel His heart. We are a movement that seeks God continually in prayer and worship knowing His presence transforms everything.

1. The Bible (God’s Word)

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only reliable, authoritative Word of God. We affirm our belief and confidence that the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God in its entirety. Written centuries ago by men of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is without error in its original manuscripts, authentic and reliable as the final sovereign authority in all essential matters of doctrine and practice, centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ.


2. The Trinity: God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.

God the Father: One preeminent God eternally existed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God, the Father, is the source and ruler of all things and is the first person of the Trinity. The Father’s relationship with creation in general and believers in faith exemplifies God’s divine attributes towards the cosmos and humanity. There is one eternal, holy, sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, faithful, and unchangeable God. All three persons are co-equal, fully partaking in the Divine Being—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—unity of three and one equal in power with distinct roles.


God the Son: The Lord Jesus Christ

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As fully God and full man, the eternal and obedient Son, Jesus Christ, humbled Himself before the Father and became incarnate, through a virgin birth, and living a sinless life. Paying demands of death in full for the penalty of humanity’s sins rose bodily and miraculously from the dead, ascended into the heaven, and will return in glory.


God the Holy Spirit: The Comforter, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified.

We believe in the deity and attributes of the Holy Spirit, who regenerates sinners and indwells believers. As the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the personal agent of the Father and Son for revelation, comfort, and conviction. Christ baptizes all believers through faith into His body and seals us eternally with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, active and living, is the ultimate Teacher and Guide. The Spirit convicts and comforts individual believers to live holy lives through daily studying of the Word of God.


3. Humanity: Depravity of Mankind

We believe that humanity came into existence by the providence of creation by God. Mankind is uniquely made in the image and likeness of God. Because of Adam’s [mankind's] fall into sin, we have inherited a sinful nature, that separates us from the Holy God, and confess that humanity is left without the hope of heaven apart from Salvation in Jesus Christ.


4. Salvation: Through faith alone, not works

We believe that salvation is essential and is a gift of God’s grace through faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and not by any mere human works. Christ’s death fully accomplished justification through faith and redemption from sin. Christ died in our place and bore our sins in His own body. On the third day after His death, Jesus physically rose again, demonstrating His victory over sin and death. According to God’s Sovereign grace and mercy, He saves those who come to Him by grace through faith. By believing the Good News that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the individual, that He rose again from the dead, that He resurrected on the third day, ascended into heaven to be with the Heavenly Father, the sins are forgiven and are declared righteous by God through faith alone. The person is ‘born again’, given a new life in Christ, and guaranteed eternal life with God. Just as good works cannot earn salvation, neither does it need good works for sustainability. Salvation transforms lives for good works.


5. The Resurrection of Humanity: The saved or lost are either eternally with God or separated from Him

We believe that those who die will be brought back into eternal communion with God (believers) or separated from Him (non-believers). While all believers (saved) throughout history will enjoy eternal life in perfect paradise, unbelievers (lost) will be resurrected to suffer everlasting conscious punishment for their sins, because they chose not to accept the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.


6. The Return of Jesus Christ

We believe and anticipate in the coming or return of Christ as a promised covenant. According to the Father’s plan, Jesus Christ, the Son, will return to claim His Sovereign authority and dominion, completing a redemptive plan of salvation, rewarding believers, and pronouncing final judgment and wrath upon unbelievers. All believers are called to live holy lives in anticipation of Christ’s return.


7. The Church: The Body of Christ and the Family of God

The Church exists to proclaim God’s truth and to bring glory to God. Believers are called to faithful fellowship and consistent gathering to equip, engage, and encourage one another towards spiritual growth. As the body of Christ and a family of God, we have responsibilities as God’s human partners to participate in social institutions of family, church, and government for the benefit of mankind. Being created in His image and likeness, we are to reflect His divine nature. Therefore, Christians are called to influence these institutions according to God’s commission, design, and purpose. Such involvement requires faith, trust, and complete obedience to Christ’s sovereignty and lordship over all creation. God commands believers to care for the well-being of all people for personal and spiritual growth through faith, hope, and love for evangelism, disciple-making, financial support, and service. Holding the Scriptures as our final authority, Vertex Ranch believes in a biblical view of sexual purity prior to marriage, faithfulness within the context of marriage, and that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman.

If you have any questions about our statement of faith, feel free to contact us at